This full day tutorial seeks to explain Agile Development’s incremental release and iterative development strategy from the perspective of a user centered design practitioner. Practical advice is given on making Agile development more user-centric.
Spool’s UI 2006, and UPA 2004
- Bringing User Centered Design to Agile Development: Bringing UCD to Agile Zip file
- JPA Bringing UCD to Agile Handouts
Other Useful Information
- Word Doc containing the task cards used in the modeling exercise: Task Cards
- Meszaros Agile Usability paper which discusses adding paper prototyping and usability testing into a standard Agile lifecycle
- Beyer, Holtzblatt, and Baker’s paper describing Rapid Contextual Design
- Lynn Miller’s Paper describing Parallel Track Development at Alias: Customer Input in Agile Projects